Farrington Nature Linc

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Farrington Celebrates Centennial

On a glorious sunny and mild October afternoon, more than 50 members and friends of the Lincoln Historical Society joined Farrington Memorial Trustees in celebrating our Centennial and honoring our 100 years of offering children from low-income, urban communities a chance to enjoy nature and the outdoors. Board President Thomas Shively welcomed the guests who gathered in the 1918 Milk Barn for a slide show on the history of the property, the buildings, and the programs for children. Following the program, Farrington trustees led tours of the 17th century farmhouse, the icehouse and 1829 hay barn, and the 1911 Memorial Hall dormitory. The Historical Society provided refreshments.

Farrington trustees enjoyed the opportunity to introduce many of the Lincolnites to the 75-acre property, which is so shielded by surrounding conservation land and private homes that few local residents know it is there, even though more than 800 city children visit each year with their summer and afterschool programs.

We were honored to have among our guests, Henry Slayter of Lincoln, a direct descendant of Deacon Gregory Stone, who obtained title to the land in 1647. Deacon Stone’s son, David, built the first house on the property in 1653, and he and his descendants farmed the land until 1870.

Trustee Susan Hands Taylor presented the slide show that began with Deacon Stone and followed each generation on the property, through the establishment of Farrington Memorial, to the years of children’s fresh air programs run by the City Mission Society of Boston, to the current summer outdoor recreation program for visiting city day camps. Trustee Daniel Michaud Weinstock invited Lincoln residents to join us in building future NatureLinc programs designed to connect children and nature.

For more Farrington history read more here!