Farrington Nature Linc

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Spring Program Round Up


This spring has been a wonderfully busy few months at Farrington Nature Linc.  Through our Explore Programs, April Vacation Experience programs, and a couple of new Experience programs, both on and off our property, we’ve served 472 youth in March and April.  A couple of highlights are included below. Explore Programs:

We completed three different Explore Clubs this spring, at two sites.  Over several weeks, one of our younger Explore Club programs learned about the world of birds by going on bird scavenger hunts, observing real bird nests before attempting to make their own, and even making their own bird wings out of cardboard.  One student ran up to Brianne, our Program Director, and asked, “Can we really fly now that we have our own wings?” Alas, our cardboard wings did not defy gravity.

Experience Programs:

The Melrose Brownies Troop 76133 visited Farrington Nature Linc to help fulfill their Bugs Badge.  We went on a hike and tracked our invertebrate friends through the signs they leave behind in the trees, leaves and dirt (in addition to finding a large number of insects and spiders themselves).  Then we started building a bug hotel that will help bring pollinators to our garden.  Want to learn more about our bug hotel and pollinators?  Head over to our activities page!


Once again, April Vacation Week was a rousing success.  168 youth came from six different programs throughout Cambridge and Boston for a spring day in the woods.  This year, in addition to learning about the sights and sounds of the woods in springtime, we focused on the things that grow and live in the dirt.

We got messy by making our own mud paint, even making group paintings which each group could take home.  The texture of the dirt and the color of the tempera paint powder made some very cool paintings.

On the trail, we challenged each group with trying to observe all the different types of moss they could find.  In the spring, with the leaves not yet on the trees and the ground still wet with spring rains, the moss, skunk cabbage, and algae in the water make beautiful green arrangements.  The frogs have clearly learned to use the plants as camouflage.  Can you spot the frog in this photo?

Then, each child got to make their own terrarium with moss to take home.  The plastic jar will condense and recondense the water, meaning with very little effort, each participant will have a little bit of nature with them for quite some time.

They also searched for worms in our garden beds, and helped to plant peas and lettuce, prepping our garden for the coming summer program.

Ultimately, while each day of the week was a little different depending on the group and the weather, each child had a fantastic day engaging with nature in a variety of ways.

Other programs:

Many thanks to Dearborn STEP, Benjamin Banneker Charter School, Morse Community Schools, Lincoln METCO program, and St. Stephen’s B-READY for joining us for programs in March and April.